First Week of School

I am terribly sorry for this post being so late. I was feeling pretty sick after my first week to the point where I just needed to rest that way I could be better for the Italy Tour but here it is now, my blog about my first week of school. (Soon will be the Italy Tour posted as well.)

Now I would like everyone to know that the schooling system is different here. We start at 8am every morning and finish at 1pm except on Wednesdays where we finish at 2pm. We do get a break at 11am for 20 minutes roughly then we head back to class. I have school Monday through Saturday meaning I only get Sunday off. On top of that, you always have the same classmates and it's the teachers who switch rooms. With that basic knowledge I decided to just share my diary entries I kept during this week.

Sep 11. I got to visit my school today for the first time. I met the principle who is friends with my host mom. I start tomorrow and to be honest I'm a little excited to see how it'll go.

Sep 12. I only started at 8:30am today because we had an assembly to find out who are classmates are. Although I missed the calling of my class name somehow, maybe I zoned out because I couldn't hear with all the students, I made it to class. I had to present myself for every class and some teachers were more than happy to have me in their class compared to others, although I have a feeling it is just because the communication will be rough.

Sep. 13 We started at 9:00am today because they don't have a art history teacher yet for my class. Then I had my first physical education class in a while and it was easy to understand because the teacher just showed me with hand gestures how many laps he wanted me to run. Science was really easy which I was not expecting that but I'm happy it is. Didn't get to have English today because they also don't have a teacher for my class yet. Then finally to finish the day we had history.

Sep. 14 Alright today I had two hours of German. The teacher had no clue what to do with me so she asked if I really wanted to learn German and I told her I didn't have to so she went to normal teaching and I did some translating for other class notes. I had Italian and we took a note and then was suppose to have conversational English but they don't have a teacher for this class yet either. Oh my. I did get to leave Spanish though to go to Brescia with my host mom and host sister. It was really pretty and I got to visit some old roman ruins. Then when we got back to Breno I went out with my host sister and our friends to the mall and to get gelato.

Sep. 15 I have school on Saturday, I'm not a fan, it's too early to be up. To be fair most people wake up early all the time I happen to just not be one of those people. Although it wasn't that bad once I got there also I had the colour run to look forward to all day which by the way was amazing!

For pictures of Brescia and the colour run check out my instagram @sclashbrook or my Facebook.
I'll try to have them on both platforms. Will be posting soon about Italy Tour, I promise.


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