My Christmas Break

So I could write a really long blog about dates and what I did specifically to then but I'm just going to talk about the most important things to me. It might be in chronological order or maybe not, I'm not even sure myself because my Christmas break was a busy one.

The day even before I was on holiday I want to mention that my host parents took my friend Giulia and I to Verona for my second time. It was very kind of my parents and I had a great time with them. The next day, I went to my host cousin's house for supper and afterward I went to the movies with my family to see Bohemian Rhapsody. It was amazing! New Year's Eve, we exchanged presents and I went to midnight mass. It was good there was more singing than actual service so it didn't feel dragged out at all. A couple of my friends are in the choir that sang so I enjoyed seeing them up there too. On Christmas morning I woke up bright and early to open my presents from my family back home, then family came over for lunch. On the 26th, 27th, and 28th I spent time at my friend Martina's house. The first night we went and saw fireworks. Following there were bumper cars which I got the chance to experience and I loved it but the whiplash is real. As many of you know Martina is also my Youtube partner so that was when we filmed our first three videos too. The next notable day would be New Year's Eve when I went to Giulia's house. We had pizza for supper, a couple of her other friends came over and we danced around for a few hours. The night was great with them. I also went to meet one of my host parents old friends and his family in Ponte di Legno, I found it to be really pretty there. Wrapping up on talking about my break on January 3rd my first Youtube video was uploaded and tons of support was received, thank you.

I'm publishing this blog today as well for the fact that this afternoon I change families. I'm sad of course to leave my current one for they have been fantastic but it's time for a new adventure so here I go. My blogs will become more frequent once again now that my life has slowed down a bit. Down below again are all the pictures and videos I have of the activities I mentioned.



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