A brand new day, A brand new family

Last night I moved in with my third host family, today was our first full day together so I thought I would share all the fun details! First, we went grocery shopping which sounds pretty mundane but I saw in the freezer aisle that somebody made a crucial decision.
Pizza over salad. No shame in that :)

Today was absolutely beautiful being at a high of 13 degrees Celcius. It is so hot here in Italy we had a picnic for lunch. I am including a half-hearted sorry to my Canadian friends and family ;) Sorry 
 My host sister, Andrea :D
Then we went for a hike which throughout was absolutely beautiful and I couldn't imagine spending my Sunday anywhere else, that is how much of a great time today was with my family. 

(Started with the accidental dog, the rough draft and then what Instagram saw.)

 Is there a better view out there? I don't think so :)

This picture just about killed me, I kept wondering after I saw the sign, does it mean no trumpets? Or is it like footloose and just no music at all? I almost died of laughter to myself.

The next picture is even better because I found staircases without purposes. Just look at it for yourself.
I had a scenario play in my mind of how the staircase would be built, and it went like this: 
Worker 1: Hey boss what's the next step?
Boss: I want a really cool cement staircase.
Worker 2: Alright cool, so we could add this door...
Boss: No. Just a really cool cement staircase.
(Workers looking at each other concerned)

After our hike and photo session, we went for gelato! Being 13 degrees Celcius here in Italy, it's a...hot!

I played Super Mario Bros with Andrea, took a relaxing shower, had dinner and everyone chilled for the rest of the night. Now while writing my blog, I had a little visitor who seems to love me.
March, here I come!


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