
I went to Milan again and I had a great time with Emma, she's an exchange friend. Anyways during the morning, my host parents went to go run a couple errands so her and I went shopping at a few different places but only after we took pictures at the Duomo. Then it began to RAIN. It was raining so much my flats felt like they were filled with water to the point I may as well have been wearing puddles. So as soon as possible we got ourselves to this lovely restaurant and some really good food. Later on, we visited the castle down the street. It was pretty and we got to go to a tiny museum inside one of the main sections. To finish up the day we walked the long way to get to the train station so we got to see a few interesting attractions including then there was this brand that was advertising kitchen supplies. Okay so that part wasn't so cool but they were handing out all these different free foods and it was delicious.


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