Train Ride

Every month we get an allowance from Rotary. It is our job as exchange students to get and pick it up.
I was supposed to go with my host brother on the 2nd of November but I had a really bad stomach ache
so we stayed home and my contact understood.

I messaged her on Monday night asking if it would be okay to drop in on Tuesday and she said yes.
I was going to ask one of my exchange friends to come with me but I just decided to go alone. I’m not
exactly sure why but after school I was on the train all by myself. The ticket man came by and asked me
where I was going to and I told him Boario. All in Italian, then on my little sheet of paper I wrote how to
ask how many stops from Breno to Boario just to be sure I didn’t make any mistakes. He saw the paper
and asked to look at it. It clicked in for him then that I wasn’t from here but he was super kind and told
me that there were 4 stops. Then he said he would come and get me when it was time to get off. A really
nice man, 11/10 rating. Anyways so he followed through with what he said and I was in Boario. Now I
had to find my contacts offices. Now I have been there a total of 3 or 4 times so I felt confident. And then
I got lost. Alright, confidence is good but knowing when not to panic would be a better skill for me to
know. May I also mention my phone data was not working so I couldn’t send them a message on
WhatsApp. Now if I had used some brain power I would have realized I could have called them anyway
on my cell phone with just the phone line but WhatsApp is just my new habit for contacts so it didn’t
click in. Anyways I’m walking back to the train station and I see both my contacts coming back from
lunch, may I say I am the luckiest girl sometimes. So we head into the office and I pick up my allowance,
I call my host mom who was working in Boario for the day and she picks me up. A little bit of panic for a
perfect result, I’m happy with myself.  


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